01 December 2020 - EdgeIX is pleased to welcome the following organisations to the EdgeIX peering fabric:
- Google (AS 15169) has connected to the Melbourne peering fabric, which augments their existing capacity in Sydney. Google has an open peering policy with standard requirements, which are available at https://www.peeringdb.com/asn/15169 and https://isp.google.com/iwantpeering
- Microsoft (AS 8075) is now connected coast to coast across Australia, with 100G ports in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. Organisations interested in establishing bi-lateral peering sessions can do so via https://www.microsoft.com/peering
- OneQode (AS 140627) is the latest 100G peer to join the Brisbane peering fabric. OneQode welcomes all applications for bi-lateral peering sessions, which can be initiated by reaching out to peering@oneqode.com.au
EdgeIX remains free to access for all network operators until 15 April 2021. We are now available in 21 locations - so if you’re interested in getting connected to the fastest growing internet exchange in Australia, please contact our team via https://edgeix.net.au/contact/